The 2021 Buddhist Prayer Guide
Jan 28th – Feb 11th 2021
The annual Buddhist World Prayer Focus is a call for Christians worldwide to take 15 days to learn about, and pray for, Buddhists everywhere. An informative prayer guide booklet is available to help. Buddhism is considered one of the world’s major religions. From its strong traditional presence in Asia, it is now increasingly common in the West as well. Here too it has quietly adapted to fit the culture. Buddhism’s different cultural’ skins ‘, combined with its three major expressions or ‘ vehicles ‘give it a complexity we recognize can’t be easily condensed, explained or taken lightly in one small booklet. However, starting from the premise that all life is suffering, all Buddhists reference the historical Buddha’s root teaching of a path to release from this suffering, known as the 4 Noble Truths. While the focused action of the individual is required on this path, the Truths also teach there is no inherent existence and that all things are impermanent. As Christians we too recognize the challenges in this world; a world turned away from the personal yet omnipotent Creator God and His intentions. God’s grace through the incarnated Jesus Christ realigns all. As Christians, we long for all people to have an opportunity to freely see, hear, understand, and experience the grace of God through Jesus. To this end, we inform ourselves, pray for, and want to support opportunities to make that grace known among the world’s Buddhists. Join us with your copy of the 15 Days Buddhist Prayer guide.
Buddhists worldwide
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Brazil (Portuguese)
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India (English)
Ukraine (Ukrainian)
Netherlands (Dutch)
China (Chinese Simplified)
China (Chinese Traditional)
South Korea (Korean)
Romania (Romanian)